Game Ready™
Game Ready™is a cold therapy system designed to treat injuries and speed up the rehabilitation process. Using a cold compression system, it provides athletes with instant pain relief and reduces swelling after an injury, allowing for faster healing time.
This system allows people to continue to play their sport at a high level while still recovering from injury.
Game Ready™is helpful for patients with:
- Muscle strains and sprains
- Tendonitis
- Knee injuries or arthritis of the knee
- Elbow pain (tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow)
- Plantar fasciitis of the heel
- Shin splints
For more information about Greendale Physical Game Ready™services, call (855) 459-5000 today!
Shrewsbury Clinic
280 Boston Turnpike
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
T: 508-753-7780
F: 508-459-5900
Worcester Clinic
120 Gold Star Boulevard
Worcester, MA 01545
T: 508-459-5000
F: 508-459-5900
Clinton Clinic
145 Church Street
Clinton, MA 01510
T: 978-598-3155
F: 508-459-5900