Heat Treatment/ Cryotherapy
Heat and cold treatments are used to alter blood flow, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and relax muscles before or after an injury. We may apply moist heat or dry heat, usually for 10-15 minutes at a time to your injury. We may apply an ice pack to areas of pain or inflammation, or may target a small, localized area with an ice massage.
The benefits of this are:
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Improve muscle tone and contractibility
- Decrease muscle spasms
- Increase joint mobility
- Accelerate healing process of a chronic injury/condition
For more information about Greendale Physical Therapy’s heat treatment/ Cryotherapy services, call (855) 459-5000 today!

Shrewsbury Clinic
280 Boston Turnpike
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
T: 508-753-7780
F: 508-459-5900
Worcester Clinic
120 Gold Star Boulevard
Worcester, MA 01545
T: 508-459-5000
F: 508-459-5900
Clinton Clinic
145 Church Street
Clinton, MA 01510
T: 978-598-3155
F: 508-459-5900