Bursitis is caused by inflammation around the bursae, a fluid filled sac that reduces friction between tendons and muscles as they move. There are multiple causes of bursitis including a direct injury to a joint or overuse/poor biomechanics due to poor posture, being overweight, and similar. Greendale Physical Therapy offers treatment options to decrease the pain and inflammation in the area and improve range of motion.
This may be achieved through:
- Stretching and strengthening exercises to take pressure off inflamed joint
- Taping or bracing techniques to take pressure off inflamed joint
- Modalities such as electrical stimulation, ultrasound,andice.
- Manual therapies
- Patient education regarding activities and posture
It is important to note that bursitis is a recurring problem, therefore long-term treatment should focus on correcting the issues that led to the injury in the first place.
Greendale Physical Therapy, LLC helped me regain the strength in my ankles and feet to keep me walking and continue to exercise and golf. The staff are all well skilled, pleasant, and supportive. I would highly recommend them to my friends for PT. They are a great group!
Clinton Patient
Shrewsbury Clinic
280 Boston Turnpike
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
T: 508-753-7780
F: 508-459-5900
Worcester Clinic
120 Gold Star Boulevard
Worcester, MA 01545
T: 508-459-5000
F: 508-459-5900
Clinton Clinic
145 Church Street
Clinton, MA 01510
T: 978-598-3155
F: 508-459-5900