Sports Rehab
Professional and amateur athletes alike trust Greendale Physical Therapy for sports rehabilitation. It’s little wonder, especially when you consider the caliber of our treatment, our passion for helping athletes perform at their best, and our proven track record. 96% of patients recently surveyed said they were “very satisfied” with their experience at Greendale Physical Therapy.
We have 4 convenient locations, in Shrewsbury, Worcester, Clinton, and Marlborough. Contact Greendale Physical Therapy today to discuss your needs and goals, or read on to find out more about physical therapy for sports injuries.
We Help With All Types of Sports Injuries
Physical therapy can help you recover from the most-common types of sports injuries, including:
- Sprains, including ankles, hamstrings, and wrists
- Overstretched or torn muscles
- Strains, including ACL strains
- Leg injuries
- Foot injuries
- Hip injuries
- Knee injuries
- Swollen, painful, or weak muscles
- Pulled muscles
- Achilles tendon ruptures
- Bone fractures
- Dislocations
- Rotator cuff and other shoulder injuries
- Repetitive stress injuries
- Concussions and other head injuries
You can sustain those injuries or many others while engaging in any of the running, jumping, diving, or strength-training associated with most sports. Those injuries often happen due to one or more of the following:
- Failure to stretch or warm up properly
- Improper technique or equipment
- Overdoing it or overstraining, “walking it off.”
- Forgetting to cool-down and stretch after the work out.
Though you can take steps to prevent many sports injuries, physical therapy usually is necessary once an injury has happened, or after it has been a problem for a while.
Your knees, feet, shoulders, hamstrings, elbows, ankles, shin, back, neck, and head are the most vulnerable parts of your body when you play sports. While these injuries can be excruciating, we can help. Our physical therapists help you rehabilitate your injury by helping you stretch, move, and strengthen the injured body part. We also work with you to help you restore as much range of motion as possible.
The right physical therapy program can often restore the body to full functionality so that you can get back out to play the sports that you love or other activities that make you you.
We Understand Athletes and We Treat the Best
Our physical therapists have treated and worked with athletes of all levels, from junior-high footballers and field hockey players to Olympic athletes. Members of Worcester’s professional teams – the Worcester Sharks among them.
Greendale Physical Therapy clinicians not only understand athletes’ physical needs, but also their emotional well-being. We share athletes’ passion, and we have the experience to return them to a high level of health and performance.
Cutting-Edge Techniques and the Latest Equipment
Our Greendale Physical Therapy clinics in Shrewsbury, Worcester, Clinton, and Marlborough give us ample space for the proper treatment and rehabilitation of athletes, and allows us access to sports-specific equipment, free weights, functional training equipment, and cardio equipment.
But we also know that athletes sometimes need more than standard treatments. That’s why some of our therapists are certified in the latest cutting-edge manual techniques, including the Graston Technique®. We also offer Aquatic Physical Therapy and Stott Pilates®. We incorporate these innovative methods into a patient’s overall treatment. With so many options at our disposal, we’re sure to have the right treatment for you.

– Patrick Ricard, Pro Bowl FB, Baltimore Ravens

I would like to express my thanks to you and your staff at Greendale Physical Therapy, LLC for all the assistance in enabling me to have had such good success in my recovery from severe neck pain. My experience here was very positive.
Shrewsbury Patient
Shrewsbury Clinic
280 Boston Turnpike
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
T: 508-753-7780
F: 508-459-5900
Worcester Clinic
120 Gold Star Boulevard
Worcester, MA 01545
T: 508-459-5000
F: 508-459-5900
Clinton Clinic
145 Church Street
Clinton, MA 01510
T: 978-598-3155
F: 508-459-5900